Saturday, September 6, 2008

Woah. Appearently unknown people are accessing my personal laptop :O (Something tells me I shouldn't be surprised, but still - first time seeing something like this.)

So, I was messing about one day and decided to install IIS on my laptop. Installed it, played a lil about with it, and thought of hosting something somewhat useful. First thing that came to mind was BlackNova Traders (google it).

BNT ran on PHP, which naturally, didn't come with the IIS prepackged with Vista, so installed the fastCGI PHP on IIS.

BNT didn't run too well on windows/IIS (only supported on *nix/apache. go figure) so deleted it, and started playing about with php.

Wrote a script that displayed my external ip address (sounds stupid, but if external clients even access that page, they already know my external ip address, so the point's moot. And, it makes it easier for me to find my external ip address. Localhost is much faster to type than So there.) and the client's ip address that IIS is seeing. And, log the IP too.

Checked the log after a couple days, saw a few IPs that definitely weren't mine. And, I hadn't told anyone about the site. Hell,even if I had, I have a dynamic IP address, (which was the whole point of the script). Had a dyndns domain pointing here for a grand total of 5 minutes (+dns entry timeout).

Cleared the log for now, see what happens then.

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