Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Holyshit Java supports scripting!

In other words - we can embed Javascript in Java. I don't know the implications of it as of yet, but it sounds very, very interesting.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Question - is there a need to impose a certain IDE?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Variable functions with variable variables.

Was playing around with the idea - came out with this. Try reading it and figuring out what it does.

function test($string)
$bar = "test";
$foo = "bar";
$string = "foo";

Output : bla

Essentially, what we're doing is this : I give up explaning. But it's using variable variables to call a variable function. $$$string calls $$foo which calls $bar("bla")
$$($string) = $$foo
$($foo) = $bar
$bar = test("bla")

You get the point.
Sheer awesomeness - although this is a horrible example.